Friday, June 3, 2011

Butterfly PB & J

I will preface the following blog with a disclaimer: I am not a fan of intruding on someone's specialty. I have two friends with superb blogs about food. In fact, you should check them out here and here.

Having said that, one of my co-workers is about to leave our office after almost three years of working here. We are doing a potluck lunch today in honor of her departure, whereupon we will wish her well, feed her massive amounts of mismatched noms and give her gifts in preparation for her next life stage.

My initial potluck contribution was going to be lasagna, as it is well received at every potluck I bring it to. However, New England has been usually hot and steamy the past few weeks. Compounded by the fact that I live in a second floor, 2 bedroom apartment that only has two pathetic window A/Cs.... let's just say that turning on the oven was NOT an option.

So, I turned to Google! I looked for simple summer items and came across this cute little dish: PB & J Blossom Sandwiches.  I decided they would be a cute and simple snack to bring, requiring little time and no heat!

The ingredients were the easy part. Finding a cookie cutter on short notice? Near impossible! So, I turned to my sad collection of cookies cutters to try and find something summery These were my options:

Two butterfly cutters that I received at a friend's wedding shower a few years ago. While the one on the right was adorable and looked super cute, it made the world's tiniest PB & J. So I went with this less petite one, pictured above on the left.

Here's a picture of the work in progress. I used grape jelly:

Finished product on display at potluck:


Liane said...

Very cute!

Unknown said...

super cute. kis would love this.