Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Decaffeination Nation...not as easy as I had hoped

I have been delaying the inevitable regarding a caffeine update because...quite honestly? I am embarassed and ashamed at my lack of progress. I never took into account 1) how addicitve this substance is and 2) how painful it can be to stop.

I moved down to the smallest iced coffee that Starbucks sells this past Monday. Thankfully I was off from work because I spent most of Monday and Tuesday with a dull migraine. Believe it or not, this was the more pleasant of the two downsizes.

The previous downsize from Venti to Grande was TORTURE. The first few days were fine, but the four day migraine that followed Fourth of July weekend was enough to cause me to delay my next step as long as possible. The trauma was compounded by the migraine hitting an hour from home and getting caught in MedFlight traffic from a car accident (not me).

Today is day three on the Grande to Tall downsize. So far so good today...but we'll see how the coming days progress! Cross your fingers folks.

Tall coffee: Day One
Size Comparison with Wall-E